• 1. High Thermal Stability: Alumina ceramic crucibles boast remarkable heat resistance, capable of withstanding extreme temperatures encountered during metal melting processes. 2. Chemical Inertness: The inert nature of alumina ensures minimal interaction between the alumina ceramic crucible material and the molten metal, preserving the integrity and purity of the sample being analyzed. 3. Mechanical Strength: Alumina ceramic crucibles exhibit excellent mechanical strength, resisting thermal shock and physical damage during handling and thermal cycling. 4. Uniform Heating: The homogeneous thermal conductivity of alumina ensures uniform heating of the alumina ceramic crucible contents, facilitating even melting and homogenization of the molten metal.
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  • 1. High Temperature Resistance: Alumina ceramics can withstand extremely high temperatures, often exceeding 1700°C, making them ideal for use in high-temperature environments like furnaces and kilns. 2. Excellent Wear Resistance: Due to their hardness, alumina ceramic tubes and pipes are highly resistant to abrasion, which extends their lifespan significantly in applications involving high wear. 3. Chemical Inertness: Alumina ceramics are chemically inert to most acids, alkalis, and solvents, making them suitable for use in corrosive environments without degrading. 4. Electrical Insulation: Alumina ceramics tubes have excellent electrical insulation properties, making them ideal for use in electrical and electronic applications where high insulation is required. 5. High Mechanical Strength: Alumina ceramics tubes have high compressive strength, which allows them to withstand mechanical stress and pressure in demanding applications. 6. Low Thermal Conductivity: Alumina ceramic tubes and pipes have low thermal conductivity, which makes them useful for applications that require thermal insulation.
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  • 1. High-purity alumina content 99.3% -99.5%, other alumina ceramics 92% -99%. 2. The color of high purity alumina product is milky white, and other products are pink or white. The higher the purity, the more transparent the color. 3. Alumina is a refractory material, the higher the purity, the better the refractory effect 4. After high-purity alumina ceramics are fired and cooled in a 1800-degree high-temperature kiln, the products are not easy to break when they encounter high temperatures. Other ceramics are fired at 1500 ℃ ~ 1800 ℃.
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